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Old May 6th, 2009, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: Working underwater without gills

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
I was invading MA Atlantis as LA Agartha in Kingmaker. There are some things you can do, but they are quite limited:

- thugs/SC, first choice, but mobility here is a problem, so best is to teleport/trapeze them in
- elemental spam! that's the best weapon for uw battles [takes lots of gems though], so living water and living earth
- getting some really tough national troops [like heavy cavalry] with water breathing gear [pricey too]

Of course you want friendly currents and sharks on your side. And many spells work fine uw too, like disintegrate, soul slay etc.
Thanks all for the lucid responses.

Any idea what additional per turn fatigue is incurred for heavy calvary working underwater? Thought there was a penalty but don't have my manual with me.

Are Horrors waterbreathing?

Any comments on the strategic importance of taking that "token lake" province?

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