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Old May 6th, 2009, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by BigandScary View Post
I need a delay on the next turn until Sunday. I will turn in turn 10 in a few minutes, but I will be away from my computer until Sunday after that and will not be able to do turn 11.
Well, the problem is, with so many people playing there's pretty much always going to be somebody who needs an extension...a couple days for each person who asks I fear is going to result in us being paused more often than we're playing. I'm betting that if you ask around you shouldn't have too hard a time lining up somebody to take a turn or two for you, this is a pretty helpful community and the early turns can be done in just a couple minutes (assuming you have a net connection!).
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