Meh, the score graphs only tell part of the story - I've got guns, but I'm out of bullets. I wasn't really playing for a win at this point, Mari going AI doesn't change (in my estimate) my personal chances of winning - it just removes the last fun thing I was doing leaving the remainder of the game a micromanaged war of attrition. Supplying Micah with items from my forge (he did finance most of it) trying to overcome the extensive casualties I took fighting Mari with my gold and blood economy decapitated from Armageddons, fight off a belligerent AI along a long border, *and* project force all the way across the map into the face of all the nastiness Micah built up while I bore the brunt of fighting Mari...I can't imagine a best case any better than stalemate.
At any rate, it sounds like you're really the only one who wants to keep going. Looks like we've got a group of guys considerate enough to stick it out but a better option would be to call it over and start a new game with people excited to be playing. That said, as I mentioned I've no objection if you want to line up subs, with fresh blood this game could go on for another 50 turns....