Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)
Hello everyone.
This is going to come off as slightly weird, as I may or may not have introduced myself before in the past. I honestly can't remember! So regardless, it was such a long time ago that I feel its probably appropriate to do so once more.
I'm 21 from the UK, currently doing a little extra work to earn my place in Bolton University to study... what else? Games Design. Aside from which I've actually been in possession of my Dominions 3 copy for quite some time, though I shamefully admit I haven't yet really delved into its depth, mysteries and probable online spankings.
I've just been umm-ing and ah-ing my way through the tutorial now that the comforting and informative step by step turn text has let go of my hand. So after a good run, realising such important facts as: you can only cast rituals at Labs due to the stock of magic gems, I'm slowly gaining an understanding of how things are panning out.
Still curious about artifact creation and construction, though I'm sure the rather thick and imposing manual will shed some light on it.
Either way, its great to meet you all... And hopefully I can pluck up the courage to get my nether regions handed to me by one of you no doubt fine Pretenders out there.
Cheers! - Chrome