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Old May 6th, 2009, 11:34 PM

LoloMo LoloMo is offline
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Default Re: HumanWar: Odd Man Out (Game On!)

Thanks Rdnoj!

I had a pretty good start in this game, got to top 5 in the province count early game. But then Ermor, who I believe was first in province count then, decided to attack me while I was cleaning up Ulm. The next 30 turns or so then had us locked up in a slow grinding war against his blessed cavalry. I had a slight advantage, but it was at the cost of stopping my research and sending off my druids to war. When Ermor finally turned AI, my nation Marveni had pathetic research and could only hope that the great powers of Pythium and Tien Chi would decimate each other while I catch up with about 20 turns worth of research.

Even with human only opponents and Baalz's great Marveni guide, the druids are tough to use, being old and having map move of only 1. The druids can be a great strike force with the ability to teleport on top of any army, but gems are a big constraint. My feeling is that Marveni is strongest in the middle game, but have no punching power late game, and above average early game among non blessed troop nations.
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