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Old May 7th, 2009, 05:20 AM
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

150-200 S income.
150 < E income.

I have between 1/2 and 2/3 income in those departments.

I don't think that's the issue though. You are clearly in a leading position now.
We already have a sub for Mari. I am sure that with additional subs the game would resume, would be interesting and your leading position may change.
I was reflecting on this from a philosophical point of view. Where should the line be drawn and a game be stopped?- When most players lose interest?- When the game reached turn 100?- When one players is leading but a small/medium/big margin?

On the one hand the answer is clear cut. The game’s victory conditions.
OtoH, games are meant to be fun. Sometimes the two contradict, like in this case b/c clearly the game is not fun for most of the current players.
I usually fight to the end and the only way I accept defeat is when I’m checkmated. Not the case here – one or more of the subs may try to counter you, I would probably give it a try as well and the outcome of such hypothetical clash is not predetermined.

I’d tell you what, you decide, if you are fed up with this game and wish me to concede I will do that. Out of respect for you and for the other players that prefer to concede.
If, OtoH, you wish to see how it plays out with subs then I’ll be happy oblige
Please consider carefully which of the two you really prefer. I’ll comply with your preference.
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