Originally Posted by Omnirizon
i didn't make value judgments, just stated that it is.
But even claiming that it *is* orientalist demonstrates a value judgement. Its as if you had sneered.. oh its just another ill informed
occidental book.
We agree that young children today might make indian headdresses. Just as they have thanksgiving pagents, european cultural exchanges, and diversity encouraged in higher centers of learning such as Harvard.
We disagree on whether Orienalism is a valid criticism - aka whether it exists at all as Said posited it did;
and if it exists whether indian headdresses are an example of it; and whether or not its a bad thing.
If you've ever watched Mexican TV: how often is the Yankii stereotyped as prototypical bad guy.
Exposure to and participation in other people's cultures is neither necessarily bad nor cultural hegemonism.
Quite the contrary: Part of the american experience is adoption of ideas, phrases, technology - the adoption of good ideas from whatever their source.