Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
At the highest peak of the citadel in Caelum, the war minister heard the latest reports from the frontline.
"So, Tikyama, what news of the mammoth division?"
"The mammoth division has been performing excellently, eminence. Province after province have fallen to those few, woolly heroes of our nation's glory. The general has named the brave beasts in honour of their accomplishments."
"I see. And what names will we be inscribing upon the highest peaks as eternal memory of their glory?"
"Let me check the scrolls. Three have fallen, and three remain: they are Limpy I, Limpy II, and Limpy III..."
"Limpy? All three? Why? And why are their names so unimpressive?"
"Eminence, you must understand that throughout the supreme and magnificent service for the nation they could not expect to come away unscathed, and the Habab Seraph who leads them is known for lacking proper respect, like many of his black-winged sort."
"You mean, they all have limps?"
A short pause arose whilst the only sound was the distant moans of wind swirling throughout the peaks.
"Yes, your eminence."
"So, all mammoths of our heavy division have been afflicted with limps? Nothing else? Apart, of course, from facile and inappropriate names."
"One of the deceased, so named Pustule, caught a disease before the end."
"Pustule? Pustule and three Limpys? The god decreed their names are to be inscribed for eternity! Are you telling me future generations of our race looking back on the wonders of our achievements, bards singing our noble histories and endeavours, are going to be admiring that?"
"If I may say so, eminence, if I can try to explain, in the final battle, their limps were a great boon - the other three charged heroically into melee ahead whilst the Raptorians dithered, and died in the purest fire of heroic combat unsupported. Indeed, without those limps, we wouldn't have a mammoth division at all anymore. I think in recognition..."