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Old May 8th, 2009, 12:29 PM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

What an unexpected turn of events. I feel I won this way too easily. No showdown with the strongest opponents.

I think Jazzepi's mistake is that he didn't try to ally with me against Rlyeh. That would leave us pretty much even to fight it out in the end. That was his best chance. Executor's best interest was definitely to ally with TC against me, together they would certainly be able to bring me down, thus leaving him with his clams and globals in the win position. My best interest - I'm not sure. With TC it would be a fight on more equal terms, but Rlyeh had a poor dominion and I can blood-sacrifice. Maybe I would be able to defeat him without a fight.

I don't have the time right now, but I'll write my thoughts about the game when I get some time.

I was hoping this game will entertain me until my summer holidays. Now I'll have to go take up some sub positions.
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