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Old May 9th, 2009, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Ghost Riders: Newbie Game PBEM

have you read the whole post on this....I have brokrn the Nap effective this turn, sent your gems back and have Napped up with TC,

I will be attacking you in 5 turns this counting as turn 1.

I want to make sure you understand this whole situation before I do anything....

If I don't hear from you or get any input I will assume you have read this whole thread and agree.

I'm sorry about the 50 turn Nap...there is just no way anyone can have that in a game from the start.

But I wWILL bow out if you think it means you won't survive a joint attack.

You make the call and then I will submit my turn as we are on hold right now.
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