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Old May 10th, 2009, 03:14 PM

Stretch Stretch is offline
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Default Indies beseiging enemy fortress

I was mucking around in a single player game where a barbarian horde had beaten AI Atlantis' province defense and was beseiging a fortress. I had an army queued to advance on that province. When the turn hit, my scout saw AI atlantis beat the beseiging army. Then, my army got the province uncontested. Then, the Atlantis army breaking the siege fought my army as the attacker instead of the defender. It would seem that either I'd get the province uncontested and Atlantis would have to break siege again next turn (i.e. it's army being set to Defend after breaking the siege instead of patrolling) or Atlantis would beat the besieging army and then get the Defender advantage (right side of screen first to act).

Is this a bug or am I just missing something?
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