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Old May 11th, 2009, 04:46 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

[switching from annoyed admin voice to creepy demon voice]

The rebel Kalaisian monkeys have been dealt with. How they hid their impudence, scurrying up a mountain and finding some fey spirits there to quietly worship hoping that word of their escape would not reach the demon lords of Lanka. Foolish monkeys. The insects of the jungles give us millions of eyes and the mountain spirits are frail protection from my hunger. As soon as a clear location of this false capital was determined a warband was assembled. These foolish monkeys would have the freedom from Lanka rule they desired, but it would be the freedom of the grave. Or to be more precise the freedom of the scrap pit after the feast, for who would dig a grave for these lesser beings?

Descending on their enclave it became apparent that the foolish monkeys had already aroused the wrath of another nation, for Arga Dis also hungered for their blood. With a howl of rage the hoard of demons charged day and night untiringly to the Kalaisian sacred mountain lest discipline be administered by other hands. These rebel monkeys were mine and I would feast. Waves of undead made short work of the walls of their city, then waves of demons swarmed over the beleaguered defenders - overwhelming them quickly despite the frantic action of their wizards and the ensuing brutal barrage. The fury of the demon warband could not be slowed.

The great feast was quickly assembled as servants and children were dragged out and piled onto the still warm bodies of the fallen warriors and made to watch as they were eaten one at a time.

I suffer no desertion from my fold, let none forget this lesson.
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