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Old May 11th, 2009, 10:15 PM
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PashaDawg PashaDawg is offline
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Medal Rand-dom Dawn (pbem)


This is the next RAND game.

Randomly assigned nations; Anonymous; No Diplomacy.

Map: Dawn of Dominions
Era: Early
Mods: CBM 1.5 with a mod to make gem-production items unique (clam, fetish & stone).
Renaming: off
Research: normal
Graphs: on
Hall of Fame: 15
Other settings: default

Victory Condition: 6 out of 12 capitals (flexible if players want something different)


Calahan / Replaced by Cleveland = Kailasa
Calmon / Replaced by Vfb = Vanheim
Don Corazon = Sauromatia
Jurri - Marverni (snuffed on turn 47)
Lingchih - Helheim (tot & mort on turn 49)
Lolomo - Arco (dead on turn 53)
Micah = Atlantis
okiN - C'Tis (went AI on turn 31)
Quantum Mechani; Replaced by Shovah turn 60 = Ermor
tgbob - Caelum (snuffed on turn 40)
Wraithlord - Agartha (went AI approx. turn 22)
Zeldor = Ulm

Pretenders should be given randomly generated names to prevent unintentional disclosure of player ID.


Last edited by PashaDawg; March 14th, 2010 at 10:53 PM..
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