Looking for an Experienced Player to Assess a Position
The nation of Vanheim has recently had two stales in the game 'CarCrash'. The player controlling them is 'Incabulos', but he/she hasn't been seen on the forums for several days, and is currently staling in all his/her games.
But back to the 'CarCrash' game. It is very hard to know how Vanheim are currently doing in the game because the graphs are off, and they probably have mostly Glamour units, which only increases the unknown. So before a sub can be found, it needs to be determined if it is worth looking for a sub, since I wouldn't want to mislead anyone into thinking a sub position is good when it is in fact bad.
So I am looking for an experienced player to quickly look over them and give some basic indication as to whether or not they think it is worth finding a sub for them, or that they should probably just be turned over to the AI.
'Thank You' for your time in reading this.
Last edited by Calahan; May 12th, 2009 at 03:16 AM..