Originally Posted by Amorphous
Originally Posted by zzcat
I think MA TC lacks offensive power in late game. Building a cost-effective thug or raiding team is not easy for them and reverse communion is hard to be used offensively. Anyway, with crossbowman+WG+FA and flexible horsemen, perhaps they can kill their opponents in early/middle game to avoid fighting Angels & Tartarians 
With the many cheap, recruit-everywhere astral mages T'ien Ch'i has access to, I really have a hard time seeing the lack of late-game offensive power.
Those same astral mages are very good counters to both angels and Tartarians.
When you try basing your entire late-game strategy entirely around large communions of fragile mages, and you face a skilled player using a more versatile nation - you will see why it is said that MA TC lacks late-game punch.