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Old May 13th, 2009, 06:13 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: MA Man - Making the best of a bad deal

Originally Posted by thejeff View Post
I've never had luck with Healing Song. Sure, it can heal your archers if they get hit, but for it to work you've got to have your (unarmored low hp) mage up among the people getting hit. The number of archers you save isn't worth the mages you lose. And that doesn't count the archers that just die from one hit (or lose an arm)

Soothing song is brilliant for big battles, though. It needs critical mass, but 4-5 bards casting it can keep a lot of mages going indefinitely. They'll default to it often enough even after the scripts run out.

Soothing song *is* brilliant. Even 1 caster casting (as its aoe) makes a huge difference. Its like Reinvig on steroids.

On healing song.... Almost all of mans mothers have 1+ air. Simply script air shield.

Plus, the AoE is 10+ .. which is something like 14. Which is sufficiently larget that you can bracket your rear longbowmen with negligible chances of getting hit. In 20 battles I lost 1 mage - in a time the ai, for whatever reason neglected to cast air shield.

Against tough nuts, use swarm additionally.....although the computer will not cast it against pushovers.
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