Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Max - actually Arya is evolving into one of the coolest characters, apprenticed to a quasi-mystical group of deadly assassins (oh yeah - femme fatale!)
I thought Arya was the ugly one and her older sister, Sansa, was the little hottie (who the ultra-scheming Petyr is probably looking to marry once he gets his checkers all lined up just right).
IMO, the development of Arya is highly improbable for a kid her age. You can't help but feel sorry for her given what she's been exposed to, but many of her reactions to adversity are rather incredible. When she went berserk on the Tickler in that one tavern, it made me smile - but how likely is it that a malnourished kid her age would do something like that? Also, hooking up with the Faceless Men - hmmm.... I guess it's fantasy, so anything can happen.
Yeah, I like Arry, but my vote is for Jon Snow or the seemingly deceased Sandor Clegane.