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Old May 15th, 2009, 12:23 AM
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Default Demons and Undead

We all know what the meaning of Undead is, and we all know what Demons are.

Where the line is blurry is what Demons and Undead ARN'T compared to each other.

Example, will the spell Rigor Mortis work on a demon as it will NOT work on undead?

Also usually it will say magic can be negated but Rigor Mortis doesn't say that so I take it that magic resistance does NOT come into play here.

OK, now #2

Solar Brilliance says it will Inciderate Both Undead and Demons.

So it begs the question what is the difference for battle spells between UNdead and Demons?

Are Demons treated almost as a human though stronger and have powers?

Its late...sorry
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