Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Completely disagree. Knights are eye candy and way too hard to mass.
Even if you *do* buy Prod+3 - you're better off buying more longbowmen.
If we are talking expansion into independent provinces that is essentially correct - knights are mostly overkill for this. Otherwise not so much.
You do not need to have production 3 to amass a very decent number of knights. Man should build castles practically everywhere and all of them can produce knights.
Also, mostly it is not really a question of massing them. You want a decent number of them, but you certainly want other troops as well.
Longbowmen are very nice but if you rely solely on them for damage any human opponent will squash you with little problem.
In year two you should be able to field at least a couple of armies each turn with, say, 10 knights and 30 longbowmen lead by a mother. This will squash practically any PD and be a lot harder to deal with than the same army with 10 towerguards instead of knights. A very small number of decently armoured shield bearing eliteish infantry will otherwise make the atrition on your armies very high, which means it is a very cheap way for your enemy to slow or stop your advance.
Shields and armour are mundane problems for longbowmen that human opponents will not be late to utilize. A lot of nations can also field relatively cheap mages that can buff the natural protection of their troops - Man is not alone in this.
Man needs another way for their troops to deal damage and knights are good at this. With their two attacks of 18 and 10 damage they have a very decent damage outlay and their good defence, low encumbrance and high morale make them quite resilient.
Originally Posted by Grek
You have mothers. Take a minor nature bless and a strongish earth bless. The AAN mothers should do Mistform, Barkskin, Resist Lightning, hold, attack, cast spells. With shrouds and a vine shield, they become cloud trapezing thugs who kill people with shockwave. Drop one in every enemy provice the first turn of the war, take the province, stealth off into safety and watch the enemy cry for their mommy.
That bless is also good for your crones, who get larger than normal regen due to their strong nature paths. It will keep them alive and, I think, unafflicted for longer.
I toyed around with this some time ago but could not get it to work very reliably. Losing some mothers here and there was not much of a problem, but getting enough astral gems for the shrouds was. If I pursued shrouds in exclusion of anything else done with astral pearls I could usually scrape together enough for a decent amount of them and since it was in SP it worked at least ok, but in MP I cannot imagine anything else than being seen as a giant shooting gallery for mindhunts.
The bless was also expensive enough that I needed the mothers to work very well to make up for my lack in other areas.
Any tips?