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Old May 15th, 2009, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: MA Tien Chi tips

I like it's standard troops but they are fairly resource intensive. Even it's basic archer is resource 12 (but it does have a composite bow). With the standard Sloth 3 build you can produce enough for indie clearing but you might lose out to another nation 1v1. Marignon's CBs are resource 8. Man's LBs 7. Slinger nations 2. Machaka 3, Caelum 5, C'Tis 1, Bandar as little as it wants You can simply be overwhelmed by numbers in the missle department. Except vs Ulm And thats without considering any elites or seriously blessed troops you will face. Which your meele troops will struggle to counter. It's not that your troops are bad. They can certainly clean up indies but you really need something extra to fend off another human early before your combat magic (communion fuelled) comes good. And ideally you don't want your mages on combat duty too early instead of reseraching and searching just to make up for a moderate army in the early game.

Therefore MA TC needs to consider an awake or at worst sleeping combat pretender to protect it from any early rush and before it's combat magic becomes effective.

It could also really use that Combat pretender having access to Death and / or Blood for Thugs. TC lacks easy access to Thugs as it is not in these paths. Plus it's mages are all rounders. It is rare to find any with greater than 2 in any one path. In a communion that doesn't matter. All combat spells are reachable with enough communion slaves. But for overland castings - decent summons (even Troll summons), mind hunts, seeking arrows etc. all require boosters and so can't be spammed easily.

A minor Earth Bless (and a minor Nature one as its decent mages often suffer old age and a shroud plus N4 bless makes this only a minor hinderence) are nice for the mages but not really essential. There is no decent bless strategy I can see for MA TC.

So for Pretenders I'd stick with an awake Cyclops, Lich, Vampire Queen (CBM), Ghost King or maybe Deva. Or risk a sleeper with extra magic and / or scales.

These should boost and protect you early on before your battle magic comes good. All except the Cyclops gets you automatically in to Blood and or Death early and hence to early Thugs. He is primarily for defence vs human players as your armies are decent vs indies so he can do plenty of searching and summoning. Getting in to both Death (and hopefully Blood too) early resolves a lot of the late game weakness as you should have no problem fielding Tarts at the same time as everyone else. Everyone can get in to these paths later but it is so much easier to start with at least one decent searcher / blood hunter early.

Obviously you don't build more than a couple of imperial Alchemists who with a Master Crystal join the communions to cast Flaming arrows. If you have recruited any more by mistake its worth giving them a mace and transforming them later to cut down on the vast upkeep You won't be mind hunted or even magic duelled often due to the number of astral mages you have. Many of which will be cheap MoM or MoW a quarter of which have astral and are prime Communion Slave fodder.

For scales you really need Order 3. This is a gold hungry power. Not just for the mages but for extra forts to summon spies (Imperial Consort), cheap researchers and to mass your national troops if needed. I like to take at least magic 1 if possible as you use a lot of cheap weak researchers and have no easy access to lanterns or skull mentors. Sloth 3 is OK for the points too. You can mass enough of your troops to clear the indies and use your Pretender plus hopefully extra early forts to fend off opponents early on.

It shares a lot of the strengths and weaknesses of LA Jomon before that was boosted by the latest patches. But not to the same extremes. Nice troops but resource intensive enough that you could get overwhelmed early. So SC Pretender desireable. No easy access to Thugs/SC so need Pretender to do this for you. Great Communions with all the strengths (and frailties) of that. Your mages NEED communions to be effective as they are all rounders. No bless strategy.
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