Originally Posted by chrispedersen
On my version of oceania - I gave them versions of hurricane, rain, and mist that was more easily castable by them.
Hmm.. Rain & Mist sound like good ideas. Mist especially is helpful against archers, will help somewhat on land. Mind if I steal this?
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
As they were shaped in mist, I gave their second shape glamour.
Second shape of what units? mermen? I'm a bit confused.
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
And I modded a version of friendly currents autocast by their bishop priest
Not a good idea. At all. Knights of the Deep are pretty ridicilious as they are now, no need to buff Oceania underwater.
3-4 Knights of the Deep + Bishop Fish can obliterate any UW independents, with just a N4 bless to counter poison damage.