Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
On my version of oceania - I gave them versions of hurricane, rain, and mist that was more easily castable by them.
Hmm.. Rain & Mist sound like good ideas. Mist especially is helpful against archers, will help somewhat on land. Mind if I steal this?
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
As they were shaped in mist, I gave their second shape glamour.
Second shape of what units? mermen? I'm a bit confused.
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
And I modded a version of friendly currents autocast by their bishop priest
Not a good idea. At all. Knights of the Deep are pretty ridicilious as they are now, no need to buff Oceania underwater.
3-4 Knights of the Deep + Bishop Fish can obliterate any UW independents, with just a N4 bless to counter poison damage.
A: Steal away - give me a credit in the readme. if you send me a pm with your email address I'll send you what I can dig up too.
B. The second shape I was referring to was their land form.
This, by itself, is enough to make oceania powerful on land.
You do need to change the Oceania text description to introduce the theme of water and mists.
C. I *think* I gave bishop fish a land form as well. I know I made them younger (or increased max age).
The Friendly currents spell was on land. Worked great.
D. I also increased the seduction of the Siren - as I think that had been overlooked in the version of CBM. Making a Siren summoning spell might be thematic (national).
E. Finally I was looking at a spell that would increase dominion by 1 candle. Giving them a unique flavor. I almost got it to work. I had a unit with disease and 1 hp, that spread dominion. A little kludgy.
However the problem was it showed up with a commander, and for some reason the commander wouldn't show up diseased.
But I really liked the idea of adding glamour to oceania - makes it seem very 13th warriorish meets the ocean - pictures of viking warriors disappearing into the mist.