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Old May 17th, 2009, 01:36 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default A funny thing happened on the way to the...

Sooo... I was LA-Rlyeh jumping a live commander with a bunch of undead ganas. MR 12 in a +mana province. Easy meat huh....

Soo I crowd forward, script a bunch of 'control deads'..

The computer *never* even casts one. Not once. Instead it blows 24 death gems cutting fatigue on nether bolts.

Two other funny things. Some of my dudes start mind blasting the undead - instead of the *only* living thing in the province - well - other than me of course. In direct contradiction to the tip that pops up all the time to the contrary.

Even funnier. It works.

Lastly Somewhere I had picked up the belief that morale 30 units don't route.

And I'm not talking routes due to army morale. Or routes due to loss of relevent commander. Or even routes due to hp loss.

Routes due to frighten, cast by one mage, for ages.
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