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Old May 17th, 2009, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: Oceania - Let's fix it. Mod discussion

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
Burnsaber, have you thought about adding selkies to Atlantis?
I thought about giving them to Oceania. But at least according to the wikipedia entry, they seemed like Siren-esque seducers. I could take matters into my own hands, but I don't know how to draw seals! Or otters for that matters. I'm not an artist, just a editers. I need a good base to work with to manage something usable. (Hence the Tawhuali, Lizards & sharks is easy)

I haven't really taken a look at Atlantis, but they seem intresting enough with their thuggable big mage guys and good magic access+. They have some of that Lovecraft mythology to back them up.

It's the Oceanias combination of thematic "blandness" & gameplay weakness, which makes them so problematic. The exact point when I decided to do something about this was when I tested the EA Oceania for the Faerun game.

I managed to get some land provinces early (with painful amounts of blood, tears and sweat.. from me) and build an early fort to a nice looking mountain province. It was my plan to mass produce Wave Warriors there. Once the fort was finished and I opened the recruitment screen..

I couldn't do anything but whimper in fear.

You only get Turtle infantry & Turtle Chief in Oceania land castles!

It was bizarre. Like something out of freaking twilight zone. I felt like I got *****-slapped by the game. *HOW DARE YOU TRY TO GET TO LAND WITH OCEANIA, BE SMITTEN*.

It also dawned on me that I have to play this thing in MP. I didn't even bother to try to swap nations, I simply knew that I had shortest straw.

I (unsuprisingly) got into a early blitz with R'lyeh. I was secretly hoping to lose so that I would be freed from playing it. But the R'lyeh player staled thrice, giving me a *major* advantage. I was also looking forward to writing some thematic AAR's, but my mind is drawing blanks with Oceania, I simply cannot crasp the damned thing.

Eh.. looks I derailed a bit there. Sorry folks. But about atlantis, I think that it doesn't need any more stuff. If it is weak, you can just manage the unit prices & stats.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
But I really liked the idea of adding glamour to oceania - makes it seem very 13th warriorish meets the ocean - pictures of viking warriors disappearing into the mist.
I'd like to read the descriptions you've made. Could you please send the stuff to Burnsaber(at)

Your changes seem intresting, but do not do anything with the 'land castle' problem. In my opinion, this is the most crippling thing about Oceania. There's no reason to even bother with forts, your stuck to indy-level troops anyway.

But the mist theme is nice. I'll probably give them a national spell that gives both mist & rain (saves spell slots, you see). It'll be W2A1 likely.

I think that with addition of Dema alliance and intoduction of mist themes, we could manage to make Oceania playable.
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