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Old May 17th, 2009, 11:47 AM

Calchet Calchet is offline
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Default Re: Oceania - Let's fix it. Mod discussion

I've played around with boosting Oceania as well, though in a rather different direction - I collected a set of sea-related ground-recruitables from the mythology of northern Europe and the British isles, but have yet to get around to implementing them or making graphics:

- Kelpies, a poor amphibian (freshwater-dependent) horse-creature with a bit of stealth, a little awe and a once/battle, MR resists easily, melee-range charm attack.
- Finmen, strange merfolk-derivate poor amphibians that stalk the lands, again somewhat stealthy, wielding simple weapons.
- (Perhaps) Finmen riding kelpies (Oh, the originality!)

- Finman Sorcerers, capable finmen casters that complement your magic path selection with a little bit of water, air, astral and/or death.
- Each Uisge (or Nix), male multi-shape sneakers, poor amphibians, with a beautiful male playing a standard-effect fiddle in battle, a horrid fear-inspiring man-horse creature hybrid form, and an awe-inspiring kelpie-like horse form.

- Nuckelavee. Something/death, vampire-like inability to enter water provinces. Looks something like a flayed centaur. Fear that makes a Prince of Death look like a cuddly bunny, and the combat ability to back it up, more or less.

As I'm unlikely to ever get around to working on these, feel free to adopt any that tickle your fancy.
Involved in:
Pax Malazica, bringing the Malazan Empire to Dominions 3.
Fate/Sprite Works, a mod including my left-over practice sprites as summonable units.
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