Thread: The 400
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Old May 19th, 2009, 05:44 PM

iceboy iceboy is offline
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Default Re: The 400

Originally Posted by Itchykobu View Post
Taking a sick day from work today. I've been up since 4 am, unable to swallow, very soar throat. But, I'm not here to share my case of the "poor me"s. Rather, since I was up at 4 I've been playing Dominions 3!

Playing as EA Agartha, I had an army that was 100 strong. 30 or so Trogolodytes, 40 Archers, a handful of cavvy, all led by a mounted commander, 3 Trog chiefs w/ Marble armor, brimstone boots, frost rings, and reflect shields, and 2 Earth Readers. For several turn I had Lanka beating at my gates - waves upon waves of chaff monkeys - but everything was going well. I was able to keep my numbers up, and thanks to a couple of wine bags I was facing no starvation. Eventually the attacks let up and I decided to expand. So, I moved against Tir Na N'og to my east since they had a bunch of border provinces w/ no defense.

It was at this point that the Tir Na N'og army appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, with 400+ units, and consumed me whole.

Holy crap. I don't know how they got to that size - it seems like starvation or upkeep should have been pounding them since they were on the edge of the map! Does anyone have advice for how to get my armies that size....or deal with armies that size....or prevent armies of that size from ransacking me!?! It was nuts! But, I'm sure I'll get better faster if I have some revenge (even though I hear it is best served cold, and I should stick to warm fluids).
Just curious but what map and game settings were you using?
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