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Old May 19th, 2009, 07:54 PM
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Fantomen Fantomen is offline
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Default Subs needed from 8th of June

It turns out I´m going to Kenya for a month. June 8 to July 8. It will probably be hard to find internet connections there so I need subs for my three games going on.

1. Cataclysm, LA atlantis. Looking for a temporary sub for this one. Very interesting position and coherent strategy working out well. This is the game I care most about myself as I´m also roleplaying it and put an effort into it. A good chance to test your skills against LA R´lyeh with sea of ice up. pm for details.

2. Carcrash, EA abysia. Looking for a permanent sub here to take over as soon as possible. Position not special but not too bad either.

3. Beardaxe, MA agartha. Also a very interesting position I think. Permanent or temporary is up to you. At peace with everyone but about time to go to war so a good opportunity to plan and execute a war from the beginning with all of MA agarthas mid/late game tools.

Very grateful for any help.
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