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Old May 22nd, 2009, 02:25 PM
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Default Rings of Sorcery and Wizaerdry

Ring of Sorcery covers 4 (I think) magic paths while Ring of Wizardry Covers all magic paths.

What is the difference between Sorcery and Wizardry...

I first hought that the Ring of Sorcery was only good in battle Or perhaps as a Ritual calling item.

While the Ring of wizardry just ups all magic paths for what ever you wanted.

The more I look at seems that the Ring of Sorcery is just a leesor version of the Ring of Wizardry...

The thing that concerns me is the definition on page 281 of the Manual. It says Ring of Sorcery....Sorcery +1 Penetration +1

Ring of Wizardry Magic +1 Penetration +1

Comments please....
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