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Old May 23rd, 2009, 04:08 PM

Endovior Endovior is offline
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Default Re: Top 5 Time Waster

5: Moving Freespawn.
Such a pain, I'm starting to dislike having freespawn. Would dislike it more, but it's the alternative to...
4: Recruiting Indy Squads
Order and Productivity mean surplus cash. Surplus cash should be used. Easiest, quickest-return use is to spend all your resources... which means the same itty bitty armies in half a dozen places; except you need to pay for them.
3: Site Searching
Why do they insist on casting Gnome Lore into the seas? No! Don't do that! I have a perfectly good mage casting Voice of Tiamat already! Argh!
2: Research Adjusting
69 RP left on Thaum... so I can put the rest into Conjuration. Wait, got another researcher. Adjust the scales. Wait, I've got the gems to throw down that global now; my Pretender needs to take that. Adjust the scales. Wait, I missed some site searching; take three more mages off research. Adjust the scales. Eh, short on RP now? Take that guy off forging, the trinket can wait. Adjust the scales. Short a point? Hmm... maybe I can find a wimpier caster somewhere to take over that ritual, save a better mage for research. Check F1 again.
1: Default Formations
Archers in the top corner to shoot archers. Grunts in the front to attack closest. Cavalry in the bottom corner to attack rear. Wizard in the back to cast spells. Archers in the top corner to shoot archers. Grunts in the front to attack closest. Cavalry in the bottom corner to attack rear. Wizard in the back to cast spells. Archers in the top corner to shoot archers. Grunts in the front to attack closest. Cavalry in the bottom corner to attack rear. Wizard in the back to cast spells. Archers in the top corner to shoot archers. Grunts in the front to attack closest. Cavalry in the bottom corner to attack rear. Wizard in the back to cast spells.

The same basic setup every time, except when it needs changing. Clicky clicky clicky.
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