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Old May 23rd, 2009, 07:18 PM

BesucherXia BesucherXia is offline
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Default Re: Top 5 Time Waster

In unsorted order:

1 Checking the backup of last turn to find out whom have been mind hunted by my mages.
2 Site searching
- Oh, please dont look at that province, it will not be mine soon! and you are recommending xxx? good, let me first check out if someone else have been searching that.
3 Adjusting rp to reach several levels in one turn
- One point too far
4 Trying boosts to check whether some unique items are newly available
- why should I have sent those SCs to Infernal?
5 Planning forge orders to get stuffs for next SC, counting the space of lab / changing SC stuffs for another plan.
- the most needed item is the one which is never in the lab

and some extra candidates:
6 moving freespawn
- They are helpful, thats why I hate them.
7 Deploying transport for gems, refueling the mages
- I need a list to tell which mages must have gems, and how many.
8 scripting big army for a decisive battle, and sometimes you just change your mind and decide to avoid that conflict.
- I know I just need a decision, but if all I have achieved in months can be lost in one battle...
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