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Old May 25th, 2009, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]

I'm not in any hurry, but if it takes too long to fill up, people are going to join other games and not have enough time for this one.

On nation selection:
I suggest that EA Tir and EA Yomi be moved to the "strong" list. The strong list now has 24 nations on it. EA Tir and EA Yomi aren't the most devastating positions, but combined with many of the strong nations they'd be insane.

Rather than a re-roll, give each team 2 "strong" nations and 2 "weak" nations - you can pick one of each (or both weak, if you wish.)

Finally, there's no mention of victory conditions - I suggest 1 VP per capital, with victory accumulation, and the team with 50 accumulated victory points between them gets the victory. Llamabeast has scripts which do numerical conversion of the score graphs, which we should use.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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