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Old May 26th, 2009, 11:09 AM

atul atul is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Well, I invite Atlantis to defend 140,
Ha, one turn notice for a nation who'se troops don't fly nor teleport and who is looking at the other direction currently. All right, if it pleases you I can put troops into that pit and leave Abysia for you, but if you were looking for a fight it went to C'tis direction. Sorry.

Hope you like what little I managed to gather, though.

And Sept, what extremes are you talking about? I don't recall any excessive stuff, though we had to plan around you and ourselves every now and then.

And isn't the game over officially if noobs have waved the white flag? Open the forums, rdonj!
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