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Old May 27th, 2009, 05:45 PM

Rick L Rick L is offline
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Default Don't change Oceania

A number of people on this forum have asked that upcoming patches give Oceania more power. I am not nearly as knowledgeable as the gurus on the forum, but I have come to enjoy Oceania. In single player mode, it is my favorite nation.

I start with an imprisoned Master Lich with 1A 3W 4E 2S 4D 4N Dominion 7, 3 luck, 1 growth, 1 turmoil. My focus early in the game is on research, as the land nations aren't going to be a threat early on. This is especially true in a game like Dawn of Dominions where you are the only water nation. I buy two triton kings early on and recruit only wave warriors. I lead them with Wave lords and mermages. Other than that, I try to get a lot of cheaper researchers, namely amber clan mages. I recruit any water mercenaries that are on offer, and drive toward the nearest promising land province. In Dawn of Dominions, that would be the opening to the underground world. Once I conquer one, I recruit any mercenaries on offer and build high province defense.

The core of my strategy is stolen from Baalz guide to Helheim, building a massive research capability. I want to make sure I am at construction 4 by the time my pretender breaks free. At that point, I can forge skull mentors with any death gems I have acquired. Since Oceania is weak on land, I put an emphasis on conjuration. If I can get to conjuration 6, I feel I have the game won.

Anyhow, Oceania is a nice way to play, once you have some experience in the game and want more of a challenge.
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