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Old May 27th, 2009, 05:56 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Go back in this thread to where Torin has been on. You either Right Click or left click ( I forget) on the part that says 'Online' or 'Not Online'.

Hit view public profile and it will have "send a privite mwssage and in some it will also have send an E-mail" (Depends on how you set it up), Just click on that (Mine is set up the same doesn't give you the E-mail address...just sends one with yours to respond).

Send him a PM AND an E-mail AND put it in the forum to back yourself up if je doesn't see it or respond.

He doesn't say much....just "OK" in the few instances I have contacted him.

iF we get it done fairly soon I will start working on my turn and will stay up until I can get it done but I will need a EXTENSION on the NEXT turn till Tuesday (though if he sets it on quickhost there is a chance we won't make the finals and I may be back a little earlier and can keep us on schedule).

If NOT then I WII just need an extension till Tuesday on this turn...there is just no way around it as I told everyone earlier.

ALSO, PM me with your Info, plans what ever... PLEASE.

Hope this helps ...let me know what we are doing.
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