Originally Posted by chrispedersen
With fixed starts, you will know who your neighbors are before you encounter them on the map. Even with random maps, you can get an idea. For example in a four man game- if mictlan and xheim are playing and you can't get diplomatic commitments from either of them, then you need to plan on being rushed.
If you expect to be rushed, you don't recruit *any* pontifexes. And you have to do a solid analysis on when and how to build castles. A choke point castle in the path of a bless rush is gold.
A 3/4 turn construction in forests or swamp costs 800 and will mature turn 6/7. And with alchemy/taxes, and cheap expansion via glads is easily feasible.
If you expect to be rushed, one of the worst things you could do would be to spend your gold on a choke-point castle. It doesn't actually create a choke-point, it's just a present for the bless rush nation to take after he crushes you with the troops that he spent his money on instead of putting up a castle in turn 4.