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Old May 28th, 2009, 03:06 AM
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Default Re: Don't change Oceania

If you are afraid with oceania being changed by JK and KO, don't worry. The cry for Oceania has been going on for a long time. If they were intending to change it, they'd probably done so by now. Even if they change it, you can just choose not to update.

I'm sure your strat works okay in SP, but it's not really MP material. Using your pretender to forge Skull Mentors?

In my opinion, EA Oceania is the most boring nation to play in dom3. Just bless rush your neighbours and clam & fetish - where is the excitment in that? Besides, EA oceania falls like a deck of cards if some land nation just decides to take your land provinces. He can. With minimal effort. You just suck so much on land (only indie level troops to recruit, even on land castles! & weakened mages with poor combat paths).

I also agree with Micah, if you remove clams, Oceania is absolutely nothing. It kinds speaks for the brokeness of clams, how EA Oceania is considered okay just becuse it can clam and take over the seas easily to isolate itself. The nation has path access of W4N2E1A1F1, for christ's sake. How can that be anything else but pathetic?

MA has a lot of other problems going for it, but at least Baalz's transformation strat seems like a exciting one to play.
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