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Old May 28th, 2009, 10:22 AM
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Default Re: Don't change Oceania

What kind of pretender did you have? I recall that it was sometimes in fashion to go for a bless on KotD's (I'm not really hots on that strat, you need a rainbow to cover your lack of astral & death or your late-game will be non-existent). Gang-banging EA ermor? Clever. That's pretty good way to access land, I have to admit. Do you rememer how the rest of the game went, since I'm kind of looking on ideas what to do with oceania in the late game when the tarts and seraphs start running around. Especially, I'd like to hear about that 0.5 win they have in the victorious nation thread, if this is it.

But yeah, I kinda forgot about the "Knight of the Deep"-vantage, they're pretty good for owning other underwater nations. It also helps that you have recruitable nature mages for free castles (I usually pop my second castle before turn 10, for free!) for overwhelming early game advantage. I usually go for E4N4 bless for KotD's, they don't need anything better (especially not if you pair them with some numbness spam from ice pebble staffs).

But, mjeh. They might not be the weakest nation, but I'm still not liking the it. This whole "uber underwater, suck above" theme is not exactly fair for EA Atlantis or EA R'lyeh (actually, R'lyeh has a shot against you, if he manages to reach critical mass in mind blasters orluck out with a N mermage for a kelp fortress). I also find the theme of the whole nation kinda dull. It has this 'little mermaid' feel that I simply cannot shake away. Perhaps it's just not my cup of tea.
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