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Old May 28th, 2009, 11:56 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Milkshake pII - Recruiting!

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Well, I see one problem with designing the pretenders via mod, if two people have the same chassis, but different paths -> incompability.

And sorry, but I have no idea what uncommon sites are, could you or anyone maybe give a list?

If I bid on a nation do I have the chance to change my mind and bid on another?
If (and only if) so I'll start without much thinking: Formoria, 5 pts.
Hey illuminated:

Absolutely: Everyone keeps bidding until everyone is satisfied.
You only pay for bids you win. So for example you can bid Formoria for 5. If you see your neighbor is going to be Mictlan which you hate - you can either bid a different starting location, or bid for mictlan.

As for the uncommon sites - grab edi's db (from the strategy thread) it lists all the units, all the sites.
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