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Old May 29th, 2009, 07:57 AM
Juffos's Avatar

Juffos Juffos is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 290
Thanks: 3
Thanked 21 Times in 10 Posts
Juffos is on a distinguished road
Default Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!

Map: Asia Twist

Mods: CBM1.5 and llamaBanners

Players: 17 (R'lyeh and Atlantis are mutually inclusive, Ermor too)

Magic sites: 50
Hall of fame: 15

Everything else: default

Shall we get going? Ohkey!

Hosting will stay at 24 hours until players request for additional time.

Juffos - Jomon
Quitti - Utgård
Alpine Joe - Pangaea
Zeldor - Ermor
viccio - C'tis
Isokron - Abysia
Ossa - Marignon
Sil - Atlantis
rtyffg - R'lyeh
Dragar - Arcoscephale
Ferrosol - Agartha
punkzip - Caelum | subbed by anthropos
Kuritza - Man
Skinu - Mictlan
secretperson - Patala
PaGal - Pythium
Magical Gohda Chef - Gath

Last edited by Juffos; November 14th, 2009 at 03:27 PM..
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