Originally Posted by Cicadian
Could I possibly get a 6 hour extension please? Not sure when I'm gonna be back on Sunday.
I was in a good mood, so I gave you 8 hour extension, just to be on the safe side.
Originally Posted by PsiSoldier
Err actually I think I saw the message on the lammaserver page for the game and updated it a while back now that I think about it. Ehh I just did it again in case I didnt, I really cant remember.
It's pretty easy to check if you have the new version. Look up the spell "Call Drowned" in conjuration 3. If the description doesn't have any odd symbols after the text, you have the right version.
About the game situation; Shinyama is out, and six players are still competing. Ermor is leading with two capitals, but he still needs two more...
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