Re: How do you install a mod?
Yes, create a folder inside the main /dominions3/ directory. Title that folder /mods/ and then unzip the contents of the mod you downloaded into that folder. A new mod will usually contain both at least one file that you will see in the folder after you have unzipped the mod and another folder containing graphics.
Then having done that, open your Dominions game. The first menu that appears will have a selection at the bottom of that menu titled: 'Preferences', click that and then click on 'Mod Preferences' in the menu that then opens. Having done that you will see a screen listing whatever mods you have unzipped into your /mods/ directory. Click on the text of the mod(s) you wish to enable (not the banner) and you will see the text change to have the word "(enabled)" behind it. Exit the preferences menu and start your new game. The mod will be in effect.
You should note that there is a possibility of conflicts between mods if you have a lot of them installed. A general rule of thumb is to only play with the mods you really want enabled for just that game. 'Dis'able any that you are no longer using.