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Old May 31st, 2009, 05:15 AM
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Globu Globu is offline
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Default Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs

@ Hoplosternum: Awesome -- thanks for the answer and the feedback. Much appreciated.

Yes, I see what you mean about fixed starts being problematic (and tempting for prescient rushes or overland spells aimed directly at distant capitals) -- I love it for thematic value, but it's limited.

And I definitely see what you mean about bad start locations as well. I'm actually ailing in one of my test games about my set start location for Caelum because of its modest resource availability.

I will definitely make at least two versions -- one with the fixed thematic starts, and one without.

@ chrispederson: I would love to help with the map, but afraid I'm of little-to-no skill in the artistic department, myself. I don't know if I'd be any help shading regions, but I'd be happy to help out and contribute where I can.

@ Ballbarian: Thank you as well for the advice. I had been wondering about those things -- that makes things a lot clearer.

So, to be clear, if I set, say, 60 provinces to #start, it will pick randomly among those? Or will it, say, randomly assign players to the first 24 (or whatever number given the age and game layout) of them? If the former is true, that definitely seems superior to simply marking the worst ones #nostart.

And the fact that liberal sprinkling of #nostart provinces interferes with SR's fiddling only makes using #start instead of #nostart that much more preferable. (Plus marking 60 or 70 provinces is much less work than marking 500+ provinces.)

@ all
Thanks again for the feedback. I'll get to work on it shortly.

Again, to make it clear, I welcome opinion feedback on the names and the "flavor" of naming schemes. If you feel something is kinda stupid, please let me know. Naming all of them was mind-numbing, and it's probably certain that I came up with some less-desirable names...

Last edited by Globu; May 31st, 2009 at 05:28 AM..
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