Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
P3D, you're right about the spear directing more force along it's single point, but one advantage the trident's three points gives is stability, so that it's easier to center an attack. The trident probably wouldn't be able to penetrate the armour as often, but when it did it would make a much wider and more ragged wound--thus more blood spilled, with a greater chance to clip an artery or puncture an organ. The wound would also be considerably harder to treat medically. Another advantage is-and this is specifically because it doesn't go as deep-a trident would have less of a tendancy to get stuck in an opponent.
I think giving them 7 damage is a bit much, however.
Trident stats, in my opinion, should be more like Dam 4, +1 att/0def.
Something like this, probably. I would say that they should have more Defence than attack - they are quite usable to parry enemy strikes and especially thrusts. Actually, Chinese sometimes used tridents specifically against spear-armed enemy infantry.
Also, I'd say that spears should have higher damage overall... Plus probably higher Defence.

It's quite easy to fight with one against sword and damn difficult other way around!
As for pikes vs longspears question, I'd say that pikes are used two-handed. Though I would prefer to give them lower base damage and charge bonus as they were quite often used offensively... But that's just me and there was another discussion on this.