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Old June 4th, 2009, 02:03 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Alchemists Stone

Originally Posted by Zargen View Post
I find the alchemist stone to be of some use when I'm playing nation with absolutely no need for fire/earth gems. And when you start gathering up a bunch of them from random magic sites and from random caches you get from a good role on luck, it gives that little extra bang for your buck when alchemitizing them.
Is there any such thing as a nation with no need for fire/earth gems? If I've got 80 fire gems and 80 earth gems in the bank, would I rather have:

1.) 2000 gold from alchemy, or double that with the stone, or
2.) A mage empowered to F1E1 in addition to his usual paths, and 3 Fire Brands + 3 Shields of Gleaming Gold?

I think forging the stone probably requires F1E1 anyway, so in practice you're choosing between 2000 gold (if you have no F/E) or 8 Fire Brands + 8 Shields of Gleaming Gold (don't need to empower).

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