Originally Posted by jmb
Originally Posted by Frozen Lama
If 24h is just too fast, ask for an extention, or if it's always too long, we can go to 36 or 48 hour hosting, just make yourself heard please.
I have no problem with 24h hosting, but I do have problems with 4h hosting, which is all the notice we got for last turn  . If we had been on a regular 24h deadline, I would have gotten my turn in on Tuesday, but since I didn't have much free time and it looked like I could wait, I thought I would just get it in on Wednesday, so that I could take the time to do it right instead of rushing it...
It wasn't a 4 hr hosting - i forgot to switch the timer back after giving the extension till tuesday. It was actually at 26 hrs when I hit the process turn button....
Anyways you lot, there is no need to winge about being hard done by. I am quite prepared to roll back turns if required.