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Old June 6th, 2009, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Niefelheim - Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
@ AndonSage - If you don't want the complete CBM package, I'm pretty certain you can just download and install seperate parts of the mod (I know this was an option with earlier versions of CBM, but haven't checked the most recent one). In this case you would just need the 'CBM Pretenders' part of the mod in order to have the build Baalz suggested, while keeping the rest of the game vanilla which you are most used to from SP games.
Yeah, I downloaded the CB mod to look at the readme, and noticed the Master Lich was reduced from 100 to 75 points, which is where the difference is. The current CB 1.5 mod does have a full version and a split version. I would be more hesitant to use the split version, since I figure the entire mod was developed to work together.

Is there any reason not to install the entire CB mod even if I only play single-player? It's been so long since I've played, that I don't remember a lot anyway, hehe

Also, how do I install the mod? I've never installed one before. Just unzip to overwrite the current files?
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