Originally Posted by Edi
The Provinces with crowns are victory point provinces. Each victory point acts like a temple for the purposes of spreading dominion and they are used for determining the winner for a game with a victory condition based on victory points. All special provinces grant victory points but not all victory point provinces are special provinces. Play the adventure map and find out...
I am playing the adventure map

Just started a game on it yesterday. Since I didn't change the victory conditions (just have Standard Victory), do those VP provinces still spread dominion? Also, is the number of crowns the number of VP?
Originally Posted by Edi
Adventure map is the version with all the special provinces. -snip-
Got it, thanks
Originally Posted by Edi
As far as recommended settings go, indie strength is according to taste, but I always play with independents 7. Slows the impossible AI down a bit, but not too much, whereas a lesser indie strength would mean you'd get overrun. Standard gold, standard resources, 150% supplies (which helps AI some with starvation).
I normally play with indie strength 7, so that works

Although I'm using Normal AI, since it's been over a year since I last played. I need to remember how to play, hehe.
Originally Posted by Edi
On this map I usually use victory by provinces or victory by victory points, with the target VP amount set to between 35 and 50 (out of 100, 50 is maximum you can set).
My current game I just went with Standard Victory. I like long games
Originally Posted by Edi
The number of players that fits on this map is big, so no less than 17 nations, I'd say. But no LA ermor or LA R'lyeh, because the freespawn problem will cause the game to hit the unit limit.
I went with me + 15, so that's close

I'm playing Early Age, Niefelheim.
Originally Posted by Edi
One of the problems is that there are so many start locations that you can end up with somebody having almost a quarter of the map to themselves while seven or eight nations end up starting in a tight cluster, which can lead to some interesting results.
Is that with too few nations? Or can that happen even with 17+ Nations?
Thanks for replying, Edi!