Re: Game Concept: Factions
Yeah. The intention was to create politically complex games that try to make nations seem more realistic, seperating them into seperate power blocks like in our own past based on their different beliefs. The 4th team's members would represent universally reviled peoples who are just too dangerous to leave alone.
The 4th faction would be at a significant disadvantage as a team, but I think that on an individual basis some of them would be likely to do well. Especially if they were given extra points for their achievements as compared to the other factions. Also trying to defeat them could be very dangerous for some of the less powerful nations as they would be likely to take significant losses, and risk being defeated by someone on an opposing team. It might not work out that way, but that was the best way I could figure out to try and balance the really powerful nations so that it wouldn't be unfair to have them in the game.