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Old June 12th, 2009, 06:05 PM
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Default Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

I agree with Revolution. The Dynamics of this game along with the ever shifting alliances made this one game that was heading for a BRAWL.

It was balanced on a pinhead with the various nations just waiting to see the outcome of a couple of wars and then join in and gobble up a third party.

Its like a Chess game that is very exciting and you are already planning your fith move and you have to leave for 2 weeks. When you get back the pieces are still in the same place, but the board loks somehow different and you have to try and reconstuct what you where planning along with the mydriad of countermoves that are/where available.

I'm sorry, but MY mind works in 'layers' and if you remove me from those layers I won't be able to see them agian even with notes.

Llama has twice said he is VERY busy and with all the man does for this site I think we should respect that.

Good game to all of us...NO, Excellent game to all of us that where still left,

We tried and where patiant but the circumstances are now that it is a flawed victory.

If you want to name a victor, go ahead as I will abstain.

You all know mw and I rarly if ever go AI or quit a game, but this time with Llama so busy I think we do ourselves, this site and llama an injustice if we try and continue on. So I am formally retiring from the game.

Bigdisawesome, I am sorry as you where the clear leader at the time and played very well, but this game was far from over and with the players left it (not including myself since Tyrant laughed at my Horror harmonica attack (sigh))was not a given win Revolution was going to wade in and on which side.

Thanks for all the things I learned and the the questions answered.

See ya all in the next one!!!!!!!!!!!

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