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Old June 12th, 2009, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
Well now, that was the most interesting turn yet. Although, Ermor's so called "war against everyone" seems to actually only be a full-scale assault on me.
I dont think that Arcoscephale would agree with that statement.. Perhaps you didnt notice his Province count dropping as well as yours..

Fact is you are both getting it pretty bad.. My better forces are concentrating on Acro now since he has managed to wipe out several thousand of my troops but I dont think he has much chance against my Gatestone army. Maybe I'll take out Acro's forces that are sieging your castle with it so you can get a quick look

I did screw up a bit and put some Longdead in that army which is a liability. I learned a while back cheap units like that can cause SC's to route in a battle they would otherwise win. Example being an SC with Wraith Crown teleports in, while he's buffing himself, the undead that the wraith crown spawns get slaghtered quickly triggering an auto route of your SC before it ever starts combat and if it teleported in it may have no where to go and die an idiotic death by retreat.. I noticed that before the turn but forgot to correct it. But it was a valuable lesson I learned a while back I thought I'd share.. big part of the Moral of that story is... dont use Wraith crowns on SC's At least if their alone.

Last edited by PsiSoldier; June 12th, 2009 at 11:46 PM..
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